What should I expect at my first visit? When you arrive for worship you will be warmly welcomed by a greeter and ushers will give you a service bulletin and help you find a place to sit.
How do I know what’s going at St. James'? The front page of the website has links to news and events. The calendar page is the most current page. We have a Facebook page, and Instagram account and we send out a E-pistle email every week. You can sign up for the weekly email by clicking here.
What does a normal Sunday morning look like? Sunday morning kicks off with worship at 8 AM in the Chapel(Please note this not wheelchair accessible)followed by a coffee hour in the Library. Our second worship service begins at 10 AM in the church. Time for coffee, treats, and fellowship takes place after the service in the Parish Hall. All worship services include prayers, readings from the Bible, and music. Currently services are either the Holy Eucharist led by Rev. Gina, our Priest-In-Charge, or once a month Morning Prayer, led by Lay Leaders of our parish.
Where do I park? There is on street parking. We have a small lot behind the church at 1 Terrace Place(look for sign), you may park at City Hall or Savings Bank of Danbury on Chapel Place. There is a gate that opens into our parking lot that will allow you to access the church through the Parish Hall. If it is not during business hours you may park at the Savings Bank of Danbury as well. Do not park in the Elderly Caregivers parking lot as your car may be towed. Directions/Parking
Is the church handicap accessible? Yes. You may reach the sanctuary through the ramp door. Through the ramp inside the church you can get to the library, lounge and a handicapped bathroom. To reach the Parish Hall you must go up Terrace Place and enter through the rear parking lot. The Banks Memorial Chapel where the 8AM service is currently held is not wheelchair accessible.
Do I need to become a member of Saint James' to participate in worship and other activities? You do not need to be a member to worship at Saint James' or to participate in other programs and activities. However, we encourage you to think and pray about becoming a member and perhaps at some point beginning to live a deeper life of faith and discipleship in this community of faith.
How will I know what to do in the service? In the Episcopal Church, all of our worship is taken from The Book of Common Prayer. There are BCPs in every pew in Church along with The Hymnal 1982 and Lift Every Voice & Sing (LEVAS) hymnals. Your worship bulletin contains the readings and some hymns. If noted the remaining hymns are found in the blue hymnal or the LEVAS hymnals at the ends of your pew. Standing, sitting, or kneeling for various parts of the service is only a matter of custom, and you should feel free to do whichever is most comfortable.
Can I take communion? How does it work? All baptized Christians of any denomination or tradition are welcome to receive Holy Communion at Saint James'. To receive the bread, place one hand over the other, palms up, so that the priest may put a wafer in your palm. If you are going to drink from the chalice, you may consume the wafer immediately. When the chalice comes, you can help the chalice bearer guide it to your mouth by placing your hand on the bottom of the chalice and tilting it or by gently taking it in your hands and guiding it. If you choose to intinct — or dip — the wafer in the wine, you’ll want to hold it until the chalice comes to you.
Am I required to give money at worship? There is no monetary requirement to worship at St. James'. However, most people find that as they move into a deeper relationship with God and become more involved in ministry and community, giving becomes a very natural step in their Christian lives.
Can I meet with a priest? Of course! You may reach out to The Rev. Gina Gore by email [email protected] or phone(203-748-3561 ext. 14). Additionally, you may a check the box on the blue welcome you receive in the services that indicates you’d like to visit with her.