St. James’ is a welcoming congregation inviting all to participate in our fellowship activities. More than ever as we re-open and re-engage with each other, we proclaim the word of God in all that we do though our many gatherings and activities. We embrace one another and the broader community respecting and encouraging a diversity of opinions and welcoming all opportunities for fellowship. Spending time with others is an important mission within St. James’ to stay connected and spread God’s word through activities and events that draw people together. Parish events allow fellowship to grow and friendships to expand. Spending time with others provides opportunities for growth in a variety of ways. Events at St. James bring people together to celebrate and acknowledge the need to be with others, not only during traditional times of worship, but throughout our daily lives.
Annual events such as our parish picnic, Mothers’ Day Breakfast, Thanksgiving Dinner, Christmas Tea, our monthly Friday with Friends gathering, and weekly Coffee Hours after our Sunday services provide regular opportunities to celebrate our fellowship. Special events and activities are planned throughout the year and include Murder Mystery Dinners, Chili Cookoffs, Scavenger Hunts and gatherings surrounding various activities such as bowling nights, book discussions and community hikes.
We, as the congregation of St. James’ Episcopal Church welcome you to our parish and our community.
Therefore encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing. 1Thessalonians 5:11
Coffee Hours - Join us for a time of fellowship after the 8 AM service in the Library, or the 10 AM service in the Parish Hall
Friday with Friends - Join us the first Friday of every month from 6 - 8 PM in the Parish Hall for casual conversations. Adults only
Parish Picnic - Family time for fellowship
Other activities are planned throughout the year. Check our events page and calendar